Chile Colab

About Chile CoLab 
Ley Nacional Del Cáncer CoLab is a space for citizen participation promoted by the office of Senator Carolina Goic in partnership with MIT’s Center for Collective Intelligence with the support of the Center for Innovation in Technology for Human Development of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the Opinno Research Center. It is a collaborative, online platform whose purpose is to collect the opinions and proposals of citizens who wish to contribute and enrich the debate on legislation facing the Chilean Senate. The first pilot project focused on the National Cancer Law, and was able to source the opinions of over 1,000 registered members. A qualitative analysis was performed on all of the comments submitted to the platform, and presented to the Chilean Senate in hopes that this would inform their decision-making processes. The objective of future projects is to expand on this work to understand what impacts the project had, and find further applications of open governance in Chile.

View the report here and video here 

CIF, Goic presents indications to the Cancer Law based on an unprecedented digital method developed with MIT. April 9, 2019

CancerLatam, Region Care and State Funding: What People Want from the National Cancer Act.