Post-Doctoral Associate Job Opportunities: Designing Human-AI Teams
MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (CCI),
MIT Computer Science & AI Lab (CSAIL), and
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)
One or more full-time Post-Doctoral Associate positions in computer science and/or social science, available starting fall 2023. May be based either at MIT in Cambridge, MA, or at SMART in Singapore.
Successful applicants for this position will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge, interdisciplinary projects that aim to dramatically rethink how people and AI systems will work together in the future. To do this, the project seeks to build a strong scientific foundation for how AI can augment (as opposed to replace) humans. We will start by combining knowledge from computer science and the social sciences to create online taxonomies and design space maps of many ways humans and AI systems can work together.
Then, using these knowledge bases, we will develop AI tools to automatically generate promising ways of combining humans and AI systems to perform different tasks. In the long run, we believe these tools will help rapidly (a) identify use cases for new AI capabilities, (b) specify effective processes and task allocations to humans and computers in a given situation, and (c) identify innovative ways to combine people and AI to solve business and societal problems.
The team is led by Profs. Thomas Malone, Daniela Rus, and Abdullah Almaatouq.
Depending on their own backgrounds, the Postdoctoral Associates will participate in one or more activities like the following:
Developing content for the online knowledge bases by:
– Gathering and analyzing various kinds of data, such as research results from different disciplines or work activities in different organizations
– Making editorial decisions about what content to include and how to organize it
Developing software tools for:
-Maintaining, browsing, and searching the online knowledge bases
Using various collective intelligence methods to help groups make editorial decisions about content and organization of the knowledge bases
Using the online knowledge bases to automatically generate promising ways of combining people and computers for performing various tasks
Using human-subject experiments and other social science methodologies to study and improve all of the above activities
In general, we expect all Postdoctoral Associates to participate in manuscript writing, supervising students, presentation of research results, and other duties related to research.
REQUIRED: Ph.D. in Computer Science (including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning), Social Science (including Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, and others), Computational Social Science, Management, Organizational Behavior or other related fields; English language proficiency; excellent communication skills; and self-motivation.
DESIRABLE: Some familiarity with more than one of the above fields
To apply
Please apply at ( for the MIT position(s) or ( for the Singapore position(s).
About the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (CCI)
The MIT Center for Collective Intelligence explores how people and computers can be connected so that—collectively—they act more intelligently than any person, group, or computer has ever done before. CCI’s mission is to both understand collective intelligence at a deep scientific level and to take advantage of the new technological and other possibilities it offers. For example, CCI’s past research has included pioneering work on measuring collective intelligence, crowdsourcing solutions to climate change, and designing new kinds of organizations that combine people and computers.
About the MIT Computer Science and AI Lab (CSAIL)
MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory pioneers new research in computing that improves the way people work, play, and learn. It focuses on developing fundamental new technologies, conducting basic research that furthers the field of computing, and inspiring and educating future generations of scientists and technologists. With more than 60 research groups working on hundreds of diverse projects, researchers focus on discovering novel ways to make systems and machines smarter, easier to use, more secure, and more efficient.
About the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART)
The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) is a major research enterprise established by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in partnership with the National Research Foundation of Singapore (NRF) in 2007. SMART is the first entity in the Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE) developed by NRF. SMART is MIT’s first, and to-date only, research centre outside the United States. It is also MIT’s largest international research programme. MIT faculty members have laboratories at SMART, mentor postdoctoral associates and graduate students, and collaborate with researchers from universities, research institutes and industries in Singapore and Asia.