The MIT Center for Collective Intelligence explores how people and computers can be connected so that
they act more intelligently than any person, group, or computer has ever done before.

Pandemic Response Programs

The MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, MIT Media Lab’s Community Biotechnology Initiative, and MilliporeSigma have come together to collaborate on multiple pandemic response programs. Submit to one of our open challenges on the Pandemic Response CoLab, read about our Pandemic Superminds Activation findings, watch videos of past events… 

Research Brief: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most important technologies in the world today. But how will this technology affect work in the future? 

The Post Covid-19 City

How do we design post-COVID-19 cities that enrich nature? The answer is, they’ll be exactly as we design them. Now is the time to start thinking about that design.

Submit your ideas and learn more about the latest Pandemic Response CoLab challenge. 

Meet Minglr

Even though many people have found today’s commonly used videoconferencing systems very useful, these systems do not provide support for one of the most important aspects of in-person meetings: the ad hoc, private conversations that happen before, after, and during the breaks of scheduled events—the proverbial hallway conversations. Minglr is an experimental software system developed to explore ways of supporting ad hoc, private videoconferences. 

"Why we need a 'Digital WPA' similar to the Depression-era Works Progress Administration"

How can we treat the economic symptoms of massive unemployment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic?

Superminds: The Surprising Power of People and Computers Thinking Together

From the founding director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence comes a fascinating new book about the intelligence exhibited by groups of people and computers working together.

Trust CoLab

In Trust CoLab, more than 100 experts from around the globe developed scenarios about the evolution of trust in medicine and health care between now and 2040.

Measuring Collective Intelligence

Our continuing work is investigating the factors that affect the collective intelligence of a group, such as its size, the electronic collaboration tools it uses, and the gender mix of its members.

Collective Intelligence Design Lab

MIT’s Collective Intelligence Design Lab (CIDL) helps groups design innovative new kinds of collectively intelligent systems (superminds) to solve important problems.

Takeda Superminds Program

The Takeda Superminds Fellows Program aimed to radically rethink the current solutions provided to depression patients in Japan. Takeda’s Center for Scientific Leadership & Innovation (CSLI) worked together with the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (MIT CCI) to approach the issue by designing a new solution around collectively intelligent systems.


We conduct research on how people and computers can work together more intelligently, and on the underlying scientific questions that help make this possible.


This first-of-its-kind effort draws on the strengths of many diverse organizations across MIT, researching how new technologies are changing the ways people work together.


Our partners participate in research activities and receive expedited access to findings through interaction with faculty, attendance at conferences, and a chance to see early versions of publications.


Led by Prof. Thomas Malone, the center is comprised of faculty, research scientists, students, and administrators both at MIT as well as with affiliated institutions.

Thomas Malone

Director; Patrick J. McGovern Professor of Management

Kathleen Kennedy

Executive Director

Robert Laubacher

Associate Director, Research Scientist

Peter Gloor

Research Scientist