Mark Klein, PhD
Principal Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Sept-Nov 2018. I am spending 3 months at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan, working on technology to support complex negotiations.

August 2018. New paper! A Utility Function Compiler for Complex Negotiations describes how complex (nonlinear) utility functions can be "compiled" so that utility function calculation is much (e.g. 70x) faster. This helps negotiating agents explore more possibilities and make better agreements,

July 2018. I am happy to be hosting Professor Valentin Robu of Heriot-Watt University, for the next six weeks. We will be collaborating on the application of automated negotiation technology to energy-related problems.

May 2018. I just came back from 3 months at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan, working on the Automated Multi-Agent Supply Chain Negotiation project and exploring Tokyo.

January 2018. A blog post about the Deliberatorium just appeared in the PlaceSpeak blog. Check it out!

June 2017. New paper! Towards Crowd-Scale Deliberation discusses how crowds can produce more (pareto-) optimal outcomes than current collective decision-making approaches.

April 2017. A new article that highlights the Deliberatorium has appeared in The Walrus, a respected Canadian online magazine.

March 2017. I was a keynote speaker at the NIT International Symposium on Future Informatics, talking about how crowd computing systems can approach pareto-optimal collective decisions.

March 2017. I spent March and April in Japan as a visiting professor at Takayuki Ito's lab in the Nagoya Institute of Technology, teaching and doing research on social computing.

January 2017. New paper! Supporting Argumentation in Online Political Debate, appears in New Media and Society Journal.

December 2016. Our team won a grant from the Templeton Foundation for the Scholio project, whose goal is to develop technologies that enable greater "intellectual humility" in public discourse.

August 2016. I was a visiting research fellow at the Social Media Lab at Ryerson University, working on deliberation-centric social media analysis.

January 2016. I was featured in an article on collective intelligence in El Pais, Spain's pre-eminent national newspaper, as well as an interview (starting around minute 40) on the Spanish radio program Siglo 21.